Program Description
Have you ever wondered where conventional wisdom comes from? Do we always have to give clients three names when making a referral, or always warn identified third parties when a client threatens them, and is it really a good idea to get a suicidal client to sign a “suicide contract?” Where are these things written? Where did they come from? This workshop will look at some common risk management and ethical beliefs and examine the rationale behind them. Do these ideas originate in professional standards, principle-based ethics, or are they myths? Clinical vignettes will be presented and participants are encouraged to share their own ethical dilemmas.
Learning Objectives *Ethic Credits provided*
- Identify common beliefs that are not based on overarching ethical principles.
- Describe the methodology to be used to identify false of unhelpful ethical or risk management principles.
- Improve ethical decision making skills.
FEE: Members – Free ($75 yearly membership payable to DCASP), Guests – $25 payable at meeting.
For Act 48 credits please register on WebReg/My Learning Plan. The fee for Act 48 credits is $15, which can only be paid online through WebReg/My Learning Plan. If you do not require ACT48 credits, you do not need to register for this event.
Click Here to Register for Act48 Credits.
FOR INFORMATION: Call 215-853-1499 or email:
NOTE: The Delaware County Association of School Psychologists is approved by the Pennsylvania State Board of Psychology to offer continuing education for psychologists. The Delaware County Association of School Psychologists maintains responsibility for the program(s). Certificates for three ethic credits and three contact hours will be available.